Bonobo Covid Guidelines

We may be done with COVID-19, but COVID-19 isn’t done with us. Here’s our strategy for managing the risks associated with covid. Our updated COVID strategy lays out our approach to creating events going forward. We hope that together, Bonobo can continue to be a standard-bearer in responsibly mitigating and managing the risk associated with inherently risky times.

We expect these guidelines to change as the pandemic changes: low disease prevalence, for instance, could mean rescinding the testing requirement. Emergence of a more dangerous variant could lead to the suspension of all in-person events. We'll constantly revisit these guidelines and evaluate them against the circumstances we face locally in the quest to keep one another safe.

Remember, if contracting COVID-19 isn’t within your personal risk tolerance, you absolutely should not attend Bonobo Network events, or you should take appropriate precautions to further limit your risk such as wearing n95 or kn95 masks, only attending outdoor parties, and limiting unmasked breath contact to trusted partners whose risk profiles match your risk tolerance. If your risk tolerance is lower than what's needed to attend Bonobo's events for now, it’s ok – we're grateful that you're taking care of yourselves in the ways that you need to.

1. Symptoms

No one with active upper respiratory symptoms (e.g., runny nose, sore or "tickly" throat, persistent cough, etc.) should attend a Bonobo party. We ask folks to be aware of whether additional symptoms may be present such as unexplained fatigue, muscle aches, or diarrhea.

Given the ways the delta variant presents in infected folks, anyone who’s had active upper respiratory symptoms within 3 - 5 days of a party should take a PCR COVID test before attending the party, even if symptoms have ceased by the party start date.

2. Vaccines

NEW: Vaccines will no longer be required

For the past few years all Bonobos attending our events have been required to provide proof of vaccination, except for the rare individual who is allergic to vaccine ingredients from both vaccine types. They will be required to provide a doctor's attestation to their condition, take a PCR test ahead of the party, and a point of entry antigen test at the party.

3. Testing

All Bonobos attending our private parties will be required to take an antigen test administered upon entry or present results from a PCR test administered within 48 hours of the party's start time. Members can bring a timestamped photo of the results of a home antigen test taken the day of the event. A negative result will be required to enter. If you choose to take your test onsite, you should arrive at parties masked until ready to take tests or present results. Masks should be worn until negative results are confirmed.

If a test comes back positive, the attendee in question will be entitled to a refund of their ticket and asked to leave the event. 

4. Reporting

We encourage all Bonobos to enable COVID Exposure Alerts in their smartphones. That way, if you come into sustained contact with someone who later tests positive for COVID, you’ll be automatically alerted.

In addition, we strongly encourage anyone who attends Bonobo events who tests positive for COVID within 5 days of attendance to share this information with Bonobo’s organizers as quickly as possible.

If you test positive for COVID after an event, you’re obligated to contact anyone with whom you came into close contact. We’ll ask your permission before sharing your name widely. Granting us this permission may enable other attendees to more accurately assess their own exposure risk following an event.

Bonobo organizers will report any positive COVID test results from within seven days of an event to all event attendees. Generally speaking, we’ll also report to the wider Bonobo community, though we hold this as a lower priority than reporting to those directly exposed.